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Zmysluplne o Agile, Scrum, Kanban a SAFe

Predstavujeme spíkra ScrumImpulz: Marina Schiffer, Jeden tím – jeden cieľ. Bez dôvery nebudete úspešní

29. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: |

Je zavádzanie agile v rodinnej firme jednoduchšie ako v korporáte? Marinine odpovede na túto otázku vás možno prekvapia. Marína začala pracovať v IT ešte počas končiaceho sa štúdia ako vývojár v takejto nemeckej rodinnej firme. Mimochodom staršej ako najznámejšia spoločnosť vyrábajúca nealkoholické nápoje. Počas nasledujúcich rokov si prešla od vývojára, cez pozíciu líniového manažéra až po country manažérku. V roku 1995 dostala príležitosť pomôcť s vybudovaním slovenskej pobočky v Žiline, ku ktorej sa neskôr pripojila aj bratislavská pobočka. Portfólio firemných riešení pozostávajúcich z hardvéru, softvéru aj služieb používajú milióny ľudí v známych metropolách. Komplexnosť rástla a tak transformácia bola ovplyvnená aj rôznorodosťou [...]

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Stanislava Pendziviaterova, Navigating Disruption – Why is integrated risk critical in Agile environments?

25. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , |

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Stanislava Pendziviaterova, Navigating Disruption – Why is integrated risk critical in Agile environments? Stanislava Pendziviaterova is Certified System Information Auditor (ISACA), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls (ISACA), organizational agile coach and global speaker. She has over 10 years of business risk management and coaching experience across domains such as IT service delivery, business controls, internal audit, and organization transformation in an international environment. Stanislava is known for her curiosity and challenging the status quo. She helps leaders and teams unlocking their potential for innovative and purposeful actions. Navigating Disruption [...]

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Timofey Yevgrashyn, Agility as the way to survive – not just another fundamental study.

25. mája 2018|Categories: Články|Tags: |

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Timofey Yevgrashyn, Agility as the way to survive – not just another fundamental study. An experienced Agile thinker with project management, consulting, coaching and training expertise. His personal experience in IT industry is since 1997, from which more than 12 years he had been managing effective software teams with Agile methods. Over the decade, he is sharing the knowledge and experience as a Trainer, Agile Coach, and Consultant. Proven track record of launching and leading Agile/Lean transformations that lead to aligning delivery with business goals. Has helped to more than 50 [...]

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Antonin Moravec, COO Kentico, Agile transformation – from developers to CEO

21. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , |

https://www.scrumimpulz.sk Tonda is a creative person who is happy when facing new challenges. Having worked in various roles, he has always been guided by the same question: “How can we make things better?” He is eager to help others to find a solution for tough problems or answer tricky questions. We often hear stories about agile transformations of a single development team or a department but less often about teams from different departments or the whole companies. Obviously, there are bigger challenges because of more people, different approaches, mindsets, and goals. What makes the [...]

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Fernando Colleone with his talk: Distributed teams and Agile – does it work?

21. mája 2018|Categories: Články|Tags: , |

https://www.scrumimpulz.sk Fernando helps globally distributed teams to become more Agile and deliver value to customers. Senior Project Manager with 13+ years of experience working with Information Technology and Services. Proven demonstration of client relationship building as well as leading global teams from all around the world. He is pro-active professional with a positive/can-do attitude towards any challenge. Also has strong Interpersonal and Problem Solving Skills. Focused on all aspects of a project like a schedule, cost, quality, risks, issues resources and efficient communication with all levels of the organization. MBA Professor teaching Project Management [...]

10 rokov Agile na Slovensku

20. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , |

Desať rokov sa zdá veľa, a napriek tomu nám mnohí tvrdia, že agilné praktiky sú ešte mladé. V roku 2008 sme začali aplikovať vtedy nepoznané Agile a mali sme o ňom, v porovnaní s dneškom, úplne iné predstavy. Agile vyzeralo v tej dobe rebelsky. Neprocesne, jednoducho, niečo pre nebyrokratov a praktikov. Skutočná disciplína a rozsah zmien, ktorú si vyžadujú, nebol zrejmý. Prvé roky Agile na Slovensku Neskôr, v roku 2010, skupina nadšencov zorganizovala prvú konferenciu na Slovensku o Agile, konferenciu ScrumImpulz, nečakali sme veľký záujem. Našim cieľom bolo ukázať, že aj u nás sú ľudia, [...]

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