Zmysluplne o Agile, Scrum, Kanban a SAFe
ScrumImpulz 2019: Marcus Hamrin, Spotify
Spotify. Well know the name of the company that has changed our behavior how we do listen to music. Not so many years ago we were used to listening to CD, later to MP3 or Internet radio. We were buying albums. Of course, this movement has started to be popular by Apple, but Spotify made music available for free in the basic Spotify edition. But it is not the music why is Spotify interesting for Agile community. Spotify has started in the green field. Agile has been already proven as a highly efficient [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019, Martin Kubik
The first time I met Martin Kubik, I was a little bit curious about how he is going to react to the agile transformation program he wanted to talk about. I expected a formal speech, questions that will make him feel comfortable and questions regarding our experience. Well, the meeting went differently. It was personal. No kidding. The first thing was to sit down, look eyes to eyes and then comment resonated the air. "No business speech here. I want to to know a story about you, your history and your company history. [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Andrea Provaglio
ScrumImpulz 2019: Andrea Provaglio The first time I saw Andrea Provaglio, I was quite new in Agile. Andrea shared kinds of stuff that were pretty 'high-soft-system-level' for me at that time. But man, one year later I realized what he talked about. It is not usual to see a speaker whose speech is different every time but always filled by wisdom, experience and entertaining. And it is not a coincidence that Andrea is invited to a lot of conferences every year. Many of them try to get Andrea year by ear. So when [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Peter Benkovič
ScrumImpulz 2019: Peter Benkovič ScrumImpulz conference is not just about speakers from abroad. Since the first year of the conference, we offered an opportunity to speak to local people who experienced Agile some way and had stories to share so we, who still fight with agile mindset and transformations, can learn from their mistakes and successes. In 2014, I have been invited to speak at Maxmann Consultants University about Agile. A pretty unique concept of sharing knowledge with people among different industries. It was a pleasure to introduce agile to people who [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019: Silvana Wasitova
ScrumImpulz 2019: Silvana Wasitova It has been ages since we, from ScrumDesk, attended and sponsored the first year of Agile Prague conference. Dozens of speakers, hundred plus people and a lot of knowledge and energy. The day before the conference sponsors went out for dinner with speakers. In a very friendly atmosphere, I had an opportunity to get to know and talk to many great speakers. One was special because of her very warm and smiley attitude. At that time you didn't have a lot of opportunities to meet agile coaches in [...]
ScrumImpulz 2019 conference: Jorgen Hesselberg
ScrumImpulz 2019 conference: Jorgen Hesselberg Eight years ago I had a super great opportunity to help NAVTEQ (today is known as HERE) company go through Agile Transformation. Well, it didn't start with BigBen approach. In the beginning, it was more driven in guerilla tactic in Europe without formal approval. Starting in Kosice, on vendor's (Ness Technologies Kosice Development Center) side, with a couple of teams developing software and services for NAVTEQ Europe centers. Only after few months, Agile was finally accepted reality by the senior management in Chicago headquarter. My first flight, together with [...]