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Zmysluplne o Agile, Scrum, Kanban a SAFe

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Ján Majoroš, eduScrum, the very real alternative to the education process.

20. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , |

Experienced Agile practitioner and active member of the Agile community. Jan has a long and successful career in management positions in corporates including Siemens. The enthusiastic person who uses Scrum for developing unique products, which helps to save peoples lives. His way of product ownership is coming hand in hand with knowledge sharing and spreading as much experience as it is possible. How to use Scrum in different areas as IT? He is the pioneer in changing the way of teaching by the implementation of eduScrum at high schools with an active participation of [...]

We introduce ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Dany „Danko“ Kovatch about the right Agile culture!

20. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , |

The first Certified Scrum Trainer in Israel. Well recognized international speaker with unique ways of presenting. 5 years of service in the Israeli army in a special elite program. Served as VP R&D in several companies. Danko is best known for his great enthusiasm for Scrum. ABOUT THE TALK After figuring out the mechanics of Scrum, it is the time to get to a higher level of instilling the right mindset with the right culture. One of the best things to do it is via gamification, games that help us solve our challenges by [...]

ScrumImpulz 2018, predstavujeme Martina Strigača, CEO Sygic

11. mája 2018|Categories: Články|

Spíker ScrumImpulz 2018 Martin Strigač, CEO Sygic „Pracovať Agilne s rozumom“ Martin začal svoju púť v IT svete v Žiline ešte na škole, a neskôr, počas svojej kariéry, pracoval na rôznych pozíciách. Keď sa ako vedúci softvérových tímov a neskôr ako riaditeľ divízie dostal k Agile, produkt vyvíjaný pre zdravotné poisťovne bol z pohľadu klienta ale aj používateľov, veľmi úspešný. V spolupráci so scrummastrami, produktovými vlastníkmi a aj vďaka zapojeniu samotných tímov, manažmentu spoločnosti a klientov agile transformácia nebola neprekonateľným problémom. Martin pokračoval vo firme, ktorú dnes len málokomu musíme predstavovať, v spoločnosti Sygic. Ako [...]

Public training: Product Owner Perfectly

1. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , , , |

Training Product Owner Perfectly Fundamental training for Scrum product owners, business owners and stakeholders of agile teams. The training explains responsibilities of product owner role. How to describe a new product from vision through strategy with an application of minimum viable product concept to agile product backlog containing all necessary requirements. The course describes how to collaborate with an agile team. This is a practical workshop where you will learn agile through experience, games, and activities. For who Product owners, business owners, ScrumMasters, project management, business analysts. Why ScrumDesk? [...]

Public training: Great ScrumMaster in Bratislava

1. mája 2018|Categories: Akcie, Články|Tags: , , , |

Training GREAT SCRUMMASTER Fundamental training for ScrumMasters, managers and team leaders. The training explains responsibilities of Scrum Master role. In the course, participants will learn how to prepare team/organization for agile transformation. Potential scrum masters will understand how to support scrum ceremonies, team members, and product owners. The course also provides information how to identify root causes of problems and how to set up continuous improvement process in a company. This is a practical workshop where you will learn agile through experience, games, and activities. For who Scrum masters, [...]

Public training: AGILE & SCRUM FUNDAMENTALS in Bratislava

22. apríla 2018|Categories: Články, Služby|Tags: , , |

Training AGILE & SCRUM FUNDAMENTALS Fundamental training in agile philosophy, principles, and practices. Explanation of Scrum project management framework, its roles, and activities. Comparison of agile practices with the traditional way of project management and product development. This is a practical workshop where you will learn agile through experience, games, and activities. For who Business owners, all team members, ScrumMasters, project management, team leaders, product owners, management. A maximum number of attendees is 25 per training. Why ScrumDesk? We help Slovak, Czech, German, US and Swiss companies introduce Agile [...]

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