ScrumImpulz 2018, predstavujeme Martina Strigača, CEO Sygic
Spíker ScrumImpulz 2018 Martin Strigač, CEO Sygic „Pracovať Agilne s rozumom“ Martin začal svoju púť v IT svete v Žiline ešte [...]
Spíker ScrumImpulz 2018 Martin Strigač, CEO Sygic „Pracovať Agilne s rozumom“ Martin začal svoju púť v IT svete v Žiline ešte [...]
Training Product Owner Perfectly Fundamental training for Scrum product owners, business owners and stakeholders of [...]
Training GREAT SCRUMMASTER Fundamental training for ScrumMasters, managers and team leaders. The training explains responsibilities [...]
Training AGILE & SCRUM FUNDAMENTALS Fundamental training in agile philosophy, principles, and practices. Explanation of [...]
ScrumImpulz 2018, slovenská konferencia o Agile praktikách Šiesty ročník slovenskej konferencie ScrumImpulz sa uskutoční 31.5.2018 v Bratislave. [...]
Ešte niekedy v roku 2009 sme s kolegami zo ScrumDesku navštívili prvú konferenciu Agile Eastern Europe v Kyjeve, kde vystupoval [...]
EPIC EPICKY. Čo je epik, na čo ho používať a predovšetkým ako. Požiadavky. Malé, veľké, technické, biznisové, operatívne, výskumné. [...]
Training Lean Change Agent in Bratislava, 11-12.12.2017 In today’s environment, change managers are under increasing pressure to deliver change at [...]
Trainer: Zuzi Šochová Date: 6-7 November, 2017 Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Regular Price: 1200 EUR excluding VAT NOTE: Please note that this training will [...]
Trainer: Zuzi Šochová Date: 23-24 November, 2017 Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Regular Price: 1200 EUR excluding VAT Early Price: 1000 EUR excluding VAT expires 23 [...]
This article has been published on ScrumDesk product pages. In the last week, I attended a couple of sprint [...]
Tréning VYNIKAJÚCI PRODUKTOVÝ VLASTNÍK Ako transformovať nápad na hodnotný produkt agilne. Workshop o efektívných praktikách produktového vlastníka pre definíciu, [...]
Tréning SCRUM MASTER PERFEKTNE Ako podporovať, chrániť a viesť agilný tím ako správny ScrumMaster. Workshop o ScrumMastershipe s príbehmi [...]
Tréning Základy Agile & Scrum Ako vyvíjať hodnotné produkty transparentne v úzkej spolupráci tímu, ktorý je hrdý na výsledok. [...]
When is the best to accept user story which is finished and who should accept them? In our Agile [...]
This article is the continuation of The Daily Stand-up Checklist for ScrumMasters, part III. The aim of this series of articles is to help [...]
Sprint planning is one of the most important ceremonies in Scrum project management method. Why run it and how? [...]
How to choose the best estimation unit in an appropriate time. Should it be storypoints or hours? Or even [...]
Roadmaps Editor Real start and end These fields are calculated based on the progress of nested backlog items once [...]
The Agile company can be recognized by a presence of Kanban boards with index cards of user stories which [...]
This article is the continuation of The Daily Stand-up Checklist for ScrumMasters, part II. The aim of this series of articles is to help [...]
Článok vyšiel na produktovej stránke ScrumDesk - scrum project management tool, v anglickom jazyku. The daily standup meeting is a [...]
We see ScrumMasters fail very when we support agile teams in their agile transformations. Based on stories of more than [...]
Ako správne napísať požiadavku vo formáte User story. Pred niekoľkými rokmi spropagoval Mike Cohn user story formát požiadaviek. Odvtedy sa každá [...]
Trápia vás chyby produktu? V článku sa dozviete aké praktické možnosti máte v agilnych tímoch pri manažovaní opráv chýb. Jednou [...]
In the first part about agile estimation, we explained fundamental principles of the estimation. Now it is time to think [...]
An estimation is questioned in software development for many years. How to estimate accurately & fast? And, is an estimation [...]
Prečo robiť hneď je horšie než zlé. Gumkáči boli pod brutálnym tlakom. Z každej strany sa to na nich hrnulo. [...]
Aké dlhé obdobie má byť plánované vopred keď aplikujeme agilné princípy? Džony prišiel na Q+A session (radšej mám označenie Q-A=0) [...]