Does the education system prepare our children and young generation for future needs? A lot of people have a feeling that there must be a different way how to educate. Of course we are not teachers and therefore we do not want to state how it should be.

But everybody observes that the world is moving towards creative processes and products where the collaboration as a capability is more important than memories from school times.

There are multiple models that schools try in the education process. One of them is eduScrum. It is very interesting to see that eduScrum resonates with Slovakia a lot. The surprising fact is that more than 100 schools already tried eduScrum.

In ScrumDesk we believe that Scrum and mainly Agile approaches change the way people collaborate significantly. We see daily how big such a change might be especially for the satisfaction of people involved.

ScrumImpulz conference brought Jan Majoros the last year who started with eduScrum in Slovakia territory. Jan presented case studies from school teams and even invited student. One of the most surprising facts was similar challenges of the transformation of students comparing to professional teams.

So when we had the opportunity to talk about eduScrum even more, we couldn’t resist.

About Willy Wijnands

Willy is a passionate chemistry and physics teacher on the Ashram College in Alphen aan de Rijn and Aikido teacher. He is the initiator and founder of eduScrum and co-founder of the worldwide initiative „Agile in Education“. Co-author of the eduScrum guide and co-author of „Scrum in Actie“ and co-author of ”Agile and Lean Concepts for Teaching and Learning”.

Talk: Agile/Lean concepts for teaching and learning

This talk is even an invitation to parallel ScrumImpulz Education stream. More details can be found at
What is in it for companies? Well, maybe your HR and teams can inspire how to run training and knowledge sharing sessions!
scrumimpulz agile conference konferencia bratislava slovakia scrumdesk

We would like to invite you to hear & meet Willy
at ScrumImpulz 2019 conference on May 30, 2019 in Bratislava.