CopenhagenContext 2015 je jedinečná konferencia, najväčšia medzinárodná konferencia v škandinávskych krajinách, venovaná testerom, testovaniu a všetkému, čo pomáha dodávať dobré produkty vytvorené dobre. Je zameraná na nové spôsoby testovania, tzv. context-driven testovanie.

Našu spoločnosť tento rok oslovili organizátori ako autorov produktu ScrumDesk, ktorý pomáha agilným tímom aplikovať agile správne.

Pre ročník 2015 sa spoločnosť ScrumDesk stala platinovým sponzorom tejto konferencie.


2015-02-26: CopenhagenContext 2015 – Tutorials

U01: Review by Testing: Analyzing a Specification by Testing the Product – James Bach (US) + Pradeep Soundararajan (IN)
U02: Take 5 on Team Dysfunction – Dawn Haynes (US)
U03: Python for Testers – Kristoffer Nordström (SE)
U04: Introduction to Application Security Testing – Bill Matthews (UK)
U05: Pair-Wise Testing Explained – Lee Copeland (US)
U06: Bulk Testing and Visualization – James Lyndsay (UK)

2015-02-27: CopenhagenContext 2015 – Keynotes

K02: Work together in hands-on Testnote – James Lyndsay (UK)
K03: A Testing Business meets the Business of Testing – Pradeep Soundararajan (IN) + Jon Bach (US)

2015-02-27: CopenhagenContext 2015 – Track Sessions

R02: Dealing with Context Change – Huib Schoots (NL) + Ruud Cox (NL)
R03: Why is Testing Low Status – Bolette Stubbe Teglbjærg (DK)
R04: When to let go – An Automation Story – Andreas Cederholm (SE)
R05: Pair-Wise Testing Explained – Lee Copeland (US)
R06: The Business Minded Tester – Håkan Ramberg (SE)
R07: Why opposing ISO 29119 is important – Johan Jonasson (CH)
R08: The Mismeasure of Software – Lee Copeland (US)
R09: The Story of a Strange Seed – Helena Jeret-Mäe (EE)


2015-02-28: CopenhagenContext 2015 (Consultant / Freelancer Friendly)

U07: Exploration Under Pressure – Jon Bach (US)
U08: Inspiring Context-Driven Testing – Fiona Charles (CA)
U09: How to be an Explorer of Software – Huib Schoots (NL) and Ruud Cox (NL)


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